ADODatabase |
Represents an open connection to a data source. |
[<oRef> =] new ADODatabase() |
baseClassName |
Identifies the object as an instance of the ADODatabase class |
className |
Identifies the object as an instance of a custom class. When no custom class exists, defaults to baseClassName |
Empty string |
The name of custom object |
parent |
null |
Container form or report |
false |
Whether the object is open and active or closed. |
catalog |
Object |
A reference to the ADOXCatalog object that contains the catalog of database objects. (ADO Catalogs and ADOX objects are not currently implemented in dBASE Components) |
catalogName |
Empty string |
Current database catalog name. |
Object |
A reference to an array that contains the ADOCommand objects. |
30 |
In seconds, how long to wait while executing a command before terminating the command and issuing and error. |
Empty string |
Connection statement that describes parameters used to establish a connection with data source. |
15 |
In seconds, how long to wait while establishing a connection before terminating the attempt and issuing and error. |
0 - Unspecified |
Available options that can be used to open a connection to a data source. |
0 - Client |
Location of the cursor service. |
Empty string |
Database alias name. |
Object |
A reference to an array that contains the ADOError objects. |
0 - Unspecified |
Available options that can be used to execute command. |
0 |
ADO statement handle. |
1 - Read Committed |
Determines the isolation level of a transaction. |
2 - Complete |
Whether a login dialog appears immediately before opening a connection to data source. |
Empty string |
User name and password used to login to a data source. |
0 - Unknown |
Available permissions for modifying data. |
AssocArray |
A reference to Associative array that contains the dynamic properties. |
Database Provider short name. |
Empty string |
Current database schema name. |
1 - All |
How to share the database connection. |
0 - Closed |
Enum that indicates the state object. |
0 |
Current level of transaction. |
0 - Unspecified |
Available options that can be used to the transaction operations. |
Empty string |
ADO engine version number. |
Event fired when there’s an attempt to deactivate a database; return value determines if the object is deactivated. |
Event fired when attempting to open a database; return value determines if object is opened. |
<state expN> |
Event fired when attempting to call transaction method; return value determines if the state of transaction is changed. |
Event fired after a database is successfully closed. |
<cmd expC><result expL> |
Event fired after a current command is successfully executed or execute is failed. |
Event fired after a database is successfully opened. |
<percent expN>,<type expN>,<status expN>,<msg expC> |
Event fired periodically during long-running data processing operations. |
<state expN> |
Event fired after the transaction method is successfully called. |
Opens a database connection. |
Closes a database connection. |
Cancels execution of a pending, asynchronous method call. |
<cmd expC>[,<rowret expL>] |
Executes the specified SQL statement. |
<schema expC>[,<criteria expC>][,<criteria expA>] |
Returns information about a database. |
Begins transaction and starts logging changes. |
Cancels the transaction by undoing all logged changes. |
Commits changes made during transaction; ends transaction |
[<string expC>] |
Creates a new catalog for a new database. |
This class object represents a unique session with a data source. In the case of a client/server database system, it may be equivalent to an actual network connection to the server. |
Through this connection, you can access and manipulate a database. |
If you want to access a database multiple times, you should establish a connection using this object class. |
Execute SQL commands. How do I execute sql commands in ADODatabase object? You would use the syntax for the particular DBMS and Driver you are connecting to. You can usually find the proper syntax by doing a Google search or looking up the driver info. Here is an example of using the executeSQL command on an ADODatabase object with a MySQL connection using the 5.x MySQL driver.
this.ADODATABASE1 = new ADODATABASE(this) with (this.ADODATABASE1) onOpen = class::ADODATABASE1_ONOPEN onExecute = class::ADODATABASE1_ONEXECUTE left = 6.1111 top = 4.08 databaseName = "MYSQLTEST_CA" active = true endwith
function ADODATABASE1_onExecute(cmd) ?"Completed "+cmd return true
function ADODATABASE1_onOpen ?"about to : CREATE TABLE aLongVarChar (ALongText LongText);" this.executeSQL("CREATE TABLE aLongVarChar (ALongText LongText);") return