Enables or disables the message pump during execution of dBASE Plus applications.

Property of

_app object


Use allowYieldOnMsg to allow dBASE Plus to be more responsive while the interpreter is running a lengthy routine.

When allowYieldOnMsg is set to false, the default setting, dBASE Plus does NOT check for messages until the interpreter completes running the current program. Setting allowYieldOnMsg to false will speed up processing.

When allowYieldOnMsg is set to true, the dBASE Plus interpreter periodically checks for messages waiting to be processed and, if found, sends them to the appropriate routines.

Messages pumped when allowYieldOnMsg is set to true include the following:

WM_PAINT - signals dBASE Plus to repaint a control, container, form, or framewindow to update its contents.

WM_CLOSE - signals dBASE Plus to close a window.

WM_QUERYENDSESSION - signals that the current user is logging out of Win 9x, Win NT, Win ME or 2000, which in turn, causes dBASE Plus to shut down.

WM_QUIT - signals that the user has closed dBASE Plus by

Clicking the X in the upper right of the frame window

Selecting "Close" from the menu which appears when right clicking on the title bar of the frame window.

Pressing "Alt-F4".