Stores to a declared array five characteristics of specified files: name, size, date stamp, time stamp, and attribute(s). Returns the number of files whose characteristics are stored.
ADIR(<array name>
[, <filename skeleton expC> [, <file attribute list expC>]])
<array name>
The name of the declared array of one or more dimensions to which to store the file information. ADIR( ) dynamically sizes <array name> so the number of rows in the array is equal to the number of files that match <file attribute expC>, and the number of columns is five.
<filename skeleton expC>
The file-name pattern (using wildcards) describing the files whose information to store to <array name>.
<file attribute list expC>
The letter or letters D, H, S, and/or V representing one or more file attributes.
See the description for dir( ).