Copies elements from one array to another. Returns the number of elements copied.
ACOPY(<source array>, <target array>
[, <starting element expN> [, <elements expN> [, <target element expN>]]])
<source array>
A reference to the array from which to copy elements.
<target array>
A reference to the array that elements are copied to.
<starting element expN>
The position of the element in <source array> from which ACOPY( ) starts copying. Without <starting element expN>, ACOPY( ) copies all the elements in <source array> to <target array>.
<elements expN>
The number of elements in <source array> to copy. Without <elements expN>, ACOPY( ) copies all the elements in <source array> from <starting element expN> to the end of the array. If you want to specify a value for <elements expN>, you must also specify a value for <starting element expN>.
<target element expN>
The position in <target array> to which ACOPY( ) starts copying. Without <target element expN>, ACOPY( ) copies elements to <target array> starting at the first position. If you want to specify a value for <target element expN>, you must also specify values for <starting element expN> and <elements expN>.
ACOPY( ) copies elements from one array to another. The dimensions of the two array do not have to match; the elements are handled according to element number.
The target array must be big enough to contain all the elements being copied from the source array; otherwise no elements are copied and an error occurs.