Adding columns (fields) to a report
Once you have created a live Query object on a report (usually by dragging the desired table icon to the designer surface), the Field palette is populated with live fields linked to the table data. When you drag a field from the palette to the design surface, a detailBand is created to display the field as a column in the report. The column is linked to the table’s field by a codeblock in the text property of the detailBand’s Text object.
To add a column,
Make sure the report has a Query object whose active property is set to true and that returns a rowset from the desired table.
Display the Field palette (View|Tool Windows, and check Field Palette–Report/Label Designer). The palette shows the active fields of the linked table as Text components.
Drag the desired Field component from the palette to the report.
When you drag a live Field component to a report, the field’s name is automatically added as a column heading. To specify placement (or omission) of the automatic column label, choose Tool Windows|Customize Tool Windows and specify your preference on the Field Palettes page.
If you need to move the added column, remember to reposition its heading, as well.