Determines the character dBASE Plus uses to separate the month, day, and year when it displays dates.


SET MARK TO [<expC>]


The single date separator character. You can specify more than one character for <expC>, but dBASE Plus uses only the first one.


Use SET MARK to change the date separator from the default character. For example, if you issue SET DATE AMERICAN, the date separator character is a forward slash (/), and dBASE Plus displays dates in MM/DD/YY format. However, if you specify SET MARK TO "." after issuing SET DATE AMERICAN, dBASE Plus displays dates in the format MM.DD.YY. If you issue SET DATE AMERICAN again, the format returns to MM/DD/YY.

Issuing SET MARK TO without <expC> resets the date separator character to that of the current date format.

SET MARK controls the separator used for display only. You may use any valid separator character when designating a literal date.