Suspends program execution, temporarily returning control to the Command window.




SUSPEND lets you interrupt program execution at a specific point, a break point. The program remains suspended until you issue RESUME or CANCEL, or until you exit dBASE Plus. If you issue RESUME, the program resumes from the break point. If you issue CANCEL, dBASE Plus cancels program execution.

While a program is suspended, you can enter commands in the Command window. For example, you can check and change the status of files, memory variables, SET commands, and so on; however, dBASE Plus ignores any changes you make to the program while it is suspended. If you want to correct a suspended program, issue CANCEL, edit the program, and then run it again.

If you initialize memory variables in the Command window while a program is suspended, dBASE Plus makes them private at the program level that suspension occurred.

You should not return to a suspended program by issuing DO <filename> in the Command window. If you do so, you will end up with "nested" SUSPEND statements, and may not know that a program is still suspended. If you want to run a suspended program from the beginning, issue CANCEL and then DO <filename>.

The dBASE Plus Debugger allows for more complex break points than using SUSPEND.