Sends a command string to a DDE server application in its own language.


<oRef>.execute(<cmd expC>)


A reference to the DDELink object that has the link.

<cmd expC>

Command or macro to send to the DDE server application.

Property of



Use the execute( ) method to send commands to DDE server applications.

The command string must be in the language of the server application, or any other string that the server expects.

Be sure to enclose commands in the delimiters required by the server application. For example, Quattro Pro commands must be enclosed in braces ({ }), while Word for Windows 95 commands are enclosed in brackets ([ ]). Some applications accept multiple commands separated by brackets. For information, consult your DDE server documentation.

Before you can send a command string to a server, you must open the server application, open the document, and establish a DDE link. For information on establishing DDE links, see initiate( ).