Notifies all interested client applications that a dBASE Plus item was changed.


<oRef>.notify(<item expC>)


A reference to the DDETopic object in which the item changed.

<item expC>

Name of the item that has changed.

Property of



Use notify( ) in a DDE server program to tell all interested client applications that an item in the dBASE Plus server was changed.

Client applications ask to be notified of changes by calling their equivalent of the DDELink object’s advise( ) method. dBASE Plus automatically maintains an internal list of these clients so that when the notify( ) method is called, the appropriate DDE message is sent to each client, if any. For a dBASE Plus client, that message fires the onNewValue event.

onPoke event handlers often call notify( ) when an external application sends dBASE Plus a poke request. For example, a Quattro Pro data-exchange application might use its {POKE} command to send dBASE Plus a value, causing the onPoke event handler to execute. The onPoke routine could insert the value into a field, then execute notify( ) to inform Quattro Pro that the field changed.

When notify( ) is called, the onPeek method is called implicitly to get the value of the item to pass to the client applications.