The width of an object. For Form and SubForm objects, the width of their client areas.

Property of

Form, SubForm and all form contained objects.


Use an object’s width property in combination with its height property to adjust the size of an object.

Form contained objects: The value of the width property includes any border, bevel or shadow effect assigned to the object.

Forms and SubForms: The value of the width property includes only the client area. It does not include the window border.

When a Form or SubForm is opened and has a vertical scrollbar (see scrollbar property), it's width is automatically reduced by the width of the vertical scroll bar (16 pixels).

When a Form or SubForm's mdi property is true, the operating system enforces a minimum width of 88 pixels (without a vertical scrollbar) or 104 pixels (with a vertical scrollbar). These enforced minimums will be used should you attempt to set the width property to a lower value.

The width property is numeric and expressed in the current metric unit of the form or subform that contains the object.

The default metric unit is "characters", which is the average width of characters in the form’s base font (default scaleFontName is "MS Sans Serif", default scaleFontSize is 8 points). Thus, if the parent forms' metric unit is set to characters, and its' scaleFontName or scaleFontSize properties are changed, the objects on the form are automatically scaled relative to the new font size.

Exception: The width property of Line objects is used to set the thickness of the line and is always measured in "pixels".