The maximized/minimized state of the form window.

Property of

Form, SubForm


Use windowState to get or set the display state of a form. A window may be maximized, minimized, or in its non-maximized "normal" (restored) state. The appearance of the window also depends on whether it is an MDI window, as noted in the following table.


Effect on an MDI form

Effect on a non-MDI form

0 (Normal)

If minimized or maximized, the form is restored to its most recent non-maximized size and position within the MDI frame window.

If minimized or maximized, the form is restored to its most recent non-maximized size and position on the screen.

1 (Minimized)

Reduces a normal or maximized form to an iconized title bar at the bottom of the MDI frame window.

Reduces a normal or maximized form to an iconized button on the Windows taskbar.

2 (Maximized)

Enlarges the form to the extent of the MDI frame window.

Enlarges the form to the extent of the screen.

The MDI frame window is the main dBASE Plus application window.

If you assign a value to windowState that changes its state, the form’s onSize event fires and the form is also given focus. To give focus to the window without changing its state, call the form’s setFocus( ) method.