The dBASE Inc. home page on the World Wide Web, at, helps you find the most current information about dBASE Plus. Periodic updates to the dBASE Plus Help system, as well as technical notes, tips, and other materials that will further your understanding of the program, will be posted on the dBASE Inc. website.

Your dBASE Plus CD also contains a full copy of the new Knowledgebase in HTML format. To use the Knowledgebase, double-click on the file "kbmenu.htm" in the \KB folder on your installation CD. The dBASE Plus Knowledgebase is also available on the dBASE Inc. website, and through the Help menu. The Knowledgebase is an ever-expanding repository of all things dBASE. Check our website frequently for updates!

The BDE Administrator, and other included applications and controls, offer their own Help systems, which can be run from disk, from within the applications, or by pressing F1 while an application is open or control is selected.

For tips on using Windows Help, choose Help|How To Use Help from the main dBASE Plus menu.