Command Line Switches
When running dBASE Plus.exe, Plusrun.exe or an Application .exe built by dBASE, there are several Command Line Switches which can be used to override certain defaults.
The command line switch, -c<.ini file path>, specifies an alternate .ini file to be used in place of the default.
For example:
"c:\program files\dbase\plus\bin\plus.exe" -cC:\iniPath //open dBASE Plus using C:\iniPath\Plus.ini
The command line switch, -v0, specifies that _app.useUACPaths is to be set to 'False'
The command line switch, -v1, specifies that _app.useUACPaths is to be set to 'True'
For example:
//open App.exe with it's _app.useUACPaths = false
"c:\program files\YourApp\App.exe" -v0
//open dbase Plus.exe with it's _app.useUACPaths = true
"c:\program files\dBASE\Plus\Bin\Plus.exe" -v1