Specifies whether to repeat a group’s headerBand when a group spans more than one StreamFrame.

Property of



A group’s headerBand is rendered at the beginning of the group. By default, headerEveryFrame is false; that means that if the contents of the group go into another frame, the headerBand is not repeated.

Set headerEveryFrame to true if you want a group’s headerBand to be rendered at the top of every StreamFrame. For example, if you have one StreamFrame per page, setting headerEveryFrame to true will print the headerBand at the top of each page, underneath the fixed components (for example column headings) on the page.

If you have nested groups with headerEveryFrame set to true for each headerBand, the header bands will appear in group order at the top of every StreamFrame.

The headerBand’s beginNewFrame property determines whether the header band for a new group should start in a new StreamFrame. In contrast, headerEveryFrame determines whether the header band should be repeated in subsequent StreamFrame objects.