Table and database types other than DBF or DB tables accessed via the directory require modification of the Database object’s loginString property. This applies to all non-Standard applications, including SQL servers such as Oracle, Sybase, InterBase, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, and Informix; and ODBC connections such as Access and Btrieve. It also applies to remote DBF and DB tables accessed through a Borland Database Engine (BDE) alias.

A BDE alias always identifies a database. Therefore all non-Standard table security is through the Database object that provides access to that database. In some cases, logins are required to access tables in a database.

The Database object’s loginString property is a character string that contains the name and password in this form:


You can set this property in the Inspector in the Form designer. By setting the name and password in the form’s Database object, all users attempting to open that form will get whatever level of access that name and password provides.

Although possible, it’s more trouble than it’s worth to share a Database object among multiple forms. Each form should have its own Database object, with whatever the appropriate loginString is for that particular form.