Your Web Server must be properly configured to handle the dQuery/Web Server-Side Components. Configuration can vary considerably from server to server. Configuration suggestions for Apache and IIS are listed below. Consult your Web Server software's manuals or online help for more detailed instructions. Informative articles on web server configuration may also be found in the dBASE KnowledgeBase on your dBASE Plus CD, or online at


Assuming the dQuery/Web Server-Side Components have now been successfully installed to a folder, you might configure Apache by inserting this segment into the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf):

Creates an alias in webspace for the folder containing the dQuery/Web Server Side Components. ‘dQWeb’ is only a suggestion, you may specify any name.


Alias /dQWeb/ "F:/dQWebServerSideComponents/"

<Directory "F:/dQWebServerSideComponents">

Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

Specifies dQWeb.exe as the default index document.

DirectoryIndex dQWeb.exe

Enable .exes for CGI.

AddHandler cgi-script .exe


See the Apache documentation for detailed information concerning configuration file directives.

After completing the modifications to the Apache configuration file, restart Apache to implement them. With the above configuration file addition, the URL from which to launch the dQuery/Web Server-Side Components would be something like:

or if installed on a local machine for testing:



Anonymous access via the web to the dQuery/Web Server-Side Components is NOT recommended. A dQuery/ Web replication component is included which might pose security problems when accessed anonymously. If anonymous access is required, disable replication by deleting the file "qFT.exe" from the dQuery/Web Server-Side Components folder.

Consult your Web Server’s documentation for information regarding the implementation of user authentication and authorization.