Identifies the current printer driver or activates a new driver.


_pdriver = <expC>


The name of the printer driver to activate.


The default for _pdriver is the printer driver you specify with the Windows Control Panel. If you haven't specified a printer driver with the Control Panel, the value of _pdriver is an empty string ("").


Use _pdriver to identify the current printer driver or to activate an installed driver. (To install a new printer driver, use the Windows Control Panel.)

The _pdriver value contains two elements separated by a comma: the base file name of the Windows driver file and the name of the printer as it appears in WIN.INI. The current driver might not identify a printer name, in which case, _pdriver contains only the driver file name. For example, if the current printer driver is for the HP Laserjet IIISi PostScript printer, _pdriver may contain the value "pscript,HP LaserJet IIISi PostScript". To activate this driver, issue the command _pdriver = "pscript,HP LaserJet IIISi PostScript".

To activate a driver from within dBASE Plus, it may be easier to use CHOOSEPRINTER( ) than to assign a value to _pdriver. To activate a driver in Windows, use the Printers program of the Windows Control Panel. CHOOSEPRINTER( ) opens the Print Setup dialog box, in which you can also select options such as paper size, source, and orientation (portrait or landscape). In the Windows Control Panel, you can choose Setup to select these options.