The following example uses COPY TO ARRAY and APPEND FROM ARRAY to copy records between tables where the fields are the same data type, but may not have the same field names. (If the field names were the same, the APPEND FROM command would be easier.) To minimize disk access, records are read in blocks of 100.

PROCEDURE AppendByPosition( cSource )

   #define BLOCK_SIZE 100 

   local cTarget, aRec, nRecs, nCopied 

   *-- Get alias for current table 

   cTarget = alias( ) 

   use ( cSource ) in select( ) alias SOURCE 

   if reccount( "SOURCE" ) == 0 

      *-- If source table is empty, do nothing 

      return 0 


   *-- Create array with default block size 

   aRec = new Array( BLOCK_SIZE, FLDCOUNT( "SOURCE" ) ) 

   nCopied = 0 

   do while .not. eof( "SOURCE" ) 

      *-- Calculate number of records to copy, the smaller of 

      *-- the block size and the number of records left 

      nRecs = min( BLOCK_SIZE, reccount( "SOURCE" ) - nCopied ) 

      if nRecs < BLOCK_SIZE 

         *-- Resize array for last block to copy 

         aRec.resize( nRecs, FLDCOUNT( "SOURCE" ) ) 


      select SOURCE 

      *-- Copy next block 

      copy to array aRec rest 

      *-- Move from last record copied to first record in next block 


      select ( cTarget ) 

      append from array aRec 

      nCopied = nCopied + nRecs 


   use in SOURCE 

return nCopied 

The COPY TO ARRAY command uses the REST scope to copy the next block of records. Because the number of records to copy is known (it’s calculated for the nRec variable), NEXT nRec would also work, but it’s redundant, because the array has been sized to copy the right number of records. The array sizing is important because that determines the number of records that get appended with APPEND FROM ARRAY.