Searches for the first record in an indexed table whose key matches the specified expression.


SEEK(<exp> [,<alias>])


The key value to search for.


The work area you want to search


SEEK( ) evaluates the expression <exp> and attempts to find its value in the master index of the table opened in the current or specified work area. SEEK( ) returns true if it finds a match of the key expression in the master index, and false if no match is found.

The SEEK( ) function combines the SEEK command and the FOUND( ) function, adding the ability to search in any work area. However, SEEK( ) does not support composite key indexes based on multiple fields used by non-DBF tables.

Because an index search is almost always followed by a test to see if the search was successful, when searching DBF tables, use SEEK( ) instead of SEEK and FOUND( ). FOUND( ) will return the result of the last SEEK( ) as well.

SET NEAR and SET EXACT affect SEEK( ) the same way they affect SEEK. See SEEK for more details.


Use the Rowset object’s findKey( ) or findKeyNearest( ) methods.