Specifies how frequently dBASE Plus updates and displays record counter information for certain commands in the status bar.




The interval at which dBASE Plus updates the record counter. <expN> must be at least 1 and is truncated to an integer. If omitted, the default value, 100, is used.


Use SET ODOMETER to specify how frequently dBASE Plus updates and displays record counter information during the execution of certain commands, such as AVERAGE, CALCULATE, COUNT, DELETE, GENERATE, INDEX, RECALL, SUM, and TOTAL. If the status bar is not enabled, SET ODOMETER has no effect. The status bar is enabled through _app.statusBar.

If SET TALK is OFF, dBASE Plus does not display any record counter information in the status bar, regardless of the SET ODOMETER setting. If SET TALK is ON, use SET ODOMETER with a relatively high value to improve performance.


Use the Session object’s onProgress event.