Event fired when the user moves the mouse over a form or control.


<flags expN>

A single-byte value that tells you which keys and mouse buttons were pressed while the user moved the mouse. You can interpret this value with the BITSET( ) function, which examines individual bits in numeric values. For more information, see onLeftDblClick.

<col expN>

The horizontal position of the mouse inside the bounds of the object.

<row expN>

The vertical position of the mouse inside the bounds of the object.

Property of

Most form objects


Use onMouseMove to perform actions when the user moves the mouse over an object. A control’s onMouseMove fires when the mouse moves over that control. The form’s onMouseMove fires when the mouse moves over an area of the form where there is no control.

The <col expN> and <row expN> parameters contain values that are relative to the object that fired the event. For example, the upper left corner of a button is always row 0, column 0, even if that button is in the bottom corner of the form.