class Designer
An object that provides access to the Inspector, Source Editor and streaming engine.
[<oRef> =] new Designer( [<object>] [,<filename expC>] )
A variable or property in which to store a reference to the newly created Designer object.
The object currently being designed
<filename expC>
The name of the file to which the designed object will be saved.
The following tables list the properties, events, and methods of interest in the Designer class.
Property |
Default |
Description |
Identifies the object as an instance of the Designer class |
Identifies the object as an instance of a custom class. When no custom class exists, defaults to baseClassName |
custom |
false |
Whether the designed object will have a custom keyword |
Empty string |
The name of the file to which the object's class definition is saved. This should be set before the SAVE method is called |
inspector |
false |
Whether the Designer's inspector is displayed |
object |
Null |
The object currently being designed |
selection |
Null |
The currently selected object displayed in the inspector |
sourceChanged |
false |
Whether a change has been made to the object class by the source editor |
unsaved |
false |
Whether changes have been saved |
Event |
Parameters |
Description |
beforeStream |
Just before editor calls the designer object to stream code into the editor. |
onMemberChange |
<expC> |
After a change has been made to a member- property, event or method-of the currently selected object in the Inspector. The parameter, <expC>, is the name of the property, event or method. |
onNotify |
<source name expC>, <filename expC> |
When notification is received from another object. Currently, this event fires when the Table Designer, or SQL Designer closes, and the first parameter is, "TABLE_DESIGNER_CLOSE", or "SQL_DESIGNER_CLOSE". The second parameter is the filename that was being designed. |
After a different object has been selected in the inspector and the selection property modified. |
Method |
Parameters |
Description |
editor( ) |
Opens a source editor to display the current object. |
<oRef1>, <oRef2> |
Determines if an object, <oRef2>, in the designer <oRef1> is inherited from a superclass. By doing so, the isInherited( ) method can be used to programatically enforce rules of inheritance. |
loadObjectFromFile( ) |
<filename expC> |
Loads the object property of an existing file. Resets the filename property to <filename expC>. |
reloadFromEditor( ) |
Reloads the object from the current editor contents. Resets the sourceChanged property. |
save( ) |
Saves the current object to filename. |
update( ) |
Causes the source editor to reflect changes made to an object or any of it's components. |
Use Designer objects to gain access to the Inspector, Source editor or streaming engine during RunMode. While the Designer's parameters, OBJECT and FILENAME, are listed as optional, they must be used in certain situations.
When modifying a custom class, the filename parameter must be used to specify the file from which the object was loaded. The filename parameter is not necessary when a new class is being derived from the custom class.
When creating a new custom class from a base class, the filename parameter is optional. However, if no parameters are specified, the Designer must subsequently be intialized using it's properties and/or methods.
When designing a new class, the OBJECT and FILENAME parameters must be set.
When modifying an existing class, the loadObjectFromFile ( ) method must be called.