ToolBar and ToolButton properties, events and methods
Each toolbar and toolbutton has its own set of properties, events and methods. The following tables describe the primary elements you’ll use to define your toolbars.
To inspect all toolbar and toolbutton properties, methods and events, as well as their defaults, type commands similar to those below into the Command window:
t1 = new toolbar( )
t2 = new toolbutton( t1 )
inspect( t1 ) // opens the Inspector with toolbar properties visible
inspect( t2 ) // opens the Inspector with toolbutton properties visible
The following tables list the properties, events and methods of the ToolBar class.
Property |
Description |
Identifies the object as an instance of the ToolBar class. |
Identifies the object as an instance of a custom class. When no custom class exists, defaults to baseClassName |
flat |
Logical value (default true) which toggles the appearance of buttons on the toolbar from always raised (false) to only raised when the pointer is over a button (true). |
floating |
Logical value (default false) that lets you specify your toolbar as docked (false) or floating (true). |
Returns the object reference of the form to which the toolbar is attached. |
Returns the toolbar’s handle. |
imageHeight |
Adjusts the default height for all buttons on the toolbar. Since all buttons must have the same height, if ImageHeight is set to 0, all buttons will match the height of the tallest button. If ImageHeight is set to a non-zero positive number, images assigned to buttons are either padded (by adding to the button frame) or truncated (by removing pixels from the center of the image or by clipping the edge of the image). |
imageWidth |
Specifies the width, in pixels, for all buttons on the toolbar. |
Specifies the distance from the left side of the screen to the edge of a floating toolbar. |
String that appears in the title bar of a floating toolBar. |
Specifies the distance from the top of the screen to the top of a floating toolbar. |
Logical property that lets you hide or reveal the toolbar. Default is true.
Event |
Description |
Fires when the application containing the toolbar is idle, intended for simple routines that enable, disable or otherwise update the toolbar. Because this event fires continuously when the application is idle, you should avoid coding elaborate, time-consuming routines in this event.
Method |
Description |
Attach(<form object reference>) establishes communication between the toolbar and the specified form and sets the Form property of the toolbar. Note that a toolbar can be attached to multiple MDI forms or to a single SDI form. |
Detach(<form object reference>) ends communication between the toolbar and the specified form, and closes the toolbar if it is not attached to any other open form. |
The following tables list the properties and events of the ToolButton class. (No methods are associated with this class.)
Property |
Description |
Identifies the object as an instance of the ToolButton class. |
Graphic file (any supported format) or resource reference that contains one or more images that are to appear on the button. |
bitmapOffset |
Specifies the distance, in pixels, from the left of the specified Bitmap to the point at which your button graphic begins. This property is only needed when you specify a Bitmap that contain a series of images arranged from left to right. Use with bitmapWidth to specify how many pixels to display from the multiple-image Bitmap. Default is 0 (first item in a multiple-image Bitmap). |
bitmapWidth |
Specifies the number of pixels from the specified Bitmap that you want to display on your button. This property is only needed when you specify a Bitmap that contain a series of images arranged from left to right. Use with bitmapOffset, which specifies the starting point of the image you want to display. |
checked |
Returns true if the button has its twoState property set to true. Otherwise returns false. |
className |
Identifies the object as an instance of a custom class. When no custom class exists, defaults to baseClassName |
enabled |
Logical value (default true) that specifies whether or not the button responds when clicked. When set to false, the operating system attempts to visually change the button with hatching or a low-contrast version of the bitmap to indicate that the button is not available. |
separator |
Logical value that lets you set a vertical line on the toolbar to visually group buttons. If you specify a separator button, only its visible property has any meaning. |
Specifies the text that appears when the mouse rests over a button for more than one second. |
twoState |
Logical value that determines whether the button displays differently when it has been depressed and consequently sets the checked property to true. Default is true. |
Logical value that lets you hide (false) or show (true) the button. Default is true.
Event |
Description |
"Action code" that executes when the button is clicked. |