When you use the designers in dBASE Plus, by default the Form designer uses the Form class, the Report designer uses the Report class, and the dataModule Designer uses the DataModule class.

However, you can create custom classes and use them as templates (both for new forms, reports, and data modules and those already created). For example, if you want many forms in your application to have a similar look, you can specify all the common attributes for those forms, such as colors, size, controls, event handlers, and so forth, once. When you have established all the common attributes, save that form as a custom form class. Then you can specify that class to be a template for forms. Changes you subsequently make to the custom form class will be reflected in all its derived forms.

To create a custom form, report, or data module class,

  1. Use the appropriate designer to create the form, report, or data module template you want.

The new custom class file will be saved with the .CFM (custom form) extension if it’s a form or .CRP (custom report) extension if it’s a report or .CDM extension if it’s a data module. Custom classes for forms, reports, and data modules are available from their respective pages in the Navigator. Their icons are yellow.

An alternate way to create a custom class is to double-click the yellow Untitled icon on the Forms, Reports, or Data Modules page of the Navigator. This opens the appropriate Custom Class designer, which is almost identical to the Form or Report designers. Then add the common features you want to appear on all derived forms, reports, or data modules.


You can’t run a file you’ve developed in this way; it is simply a template from which other forms, reports, or data modules can be derived.