The following code was generated by

  1. Dragging a table from the Navigator table’s page onto the Form design surface

Here is the code:

** END HEADER -- do not remove this line


// Generated on 07/18/2014


parameter bModal

local f

f = new FishSampleForm()

if (bModal)

   f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI




class FishSampleForm of FORM

   with (this)

      height = 23.16

      left = 7.3333

      top = 3.56

      width = 56.5556

      text = "Fish"

      escExit = false

      scrollBar = 2 // Auto


   this.DBASESAMPLES1 = new DATABASE(this)

   with (this.DBASESAMPLES1)

      left = 40.0

      databaseName = "DBASESAMPLES"

      active = true


   this.FISH1 = new QUERY(this)

   with (this.FISH1)

      left = 34.0

      database = form.dbasesamples1

      sql = "select * from fish.dbf"

      active = true


   this.TEXTID1 = new TEXT(this)

   with (this.TEXTID1)

      height = 1.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 3.08

      width = 2.8519

      wrap = false

      alignVertical = 2 // Bottom

      text = "ID"


   this.ENTRYFIELDID1 = new ENTRYFIELD(this)

   with (this.ENTRYFIELDID1)

      dataLink = form.fish1.rowset.fields["id"]

      height = 1.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 4.4

      width = 13.0


   this.TEXTNAME1 = new TEXT(this)

   with (this.TEXTNAME1)

      height = 1.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 5.72

      width = 5.9352

      wrap = false

      alignVertical = 2 // Bottom

      text = "Name"



   with (this.ENTRYFIELDNAME1)

      dataLink = form.fish1.rowset.fields["name"]

      height = 1.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 7.04

      width = 32.0


   this.TEXTSPECIES1 = new TEXT(this)

   with (this.TEXTSPECIES1)

      height = 1.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 8.36

      width = 7.5741

      wrap = false

      alignVertical = 2 // Bottom

      text = "Species"




      dataLink = form.fish1.rowset.fields["species"]

      height = 1.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 9.68

      width = 42.0


   this.TEXTLENGTH_CM1 = new TEXT(this)

   with (this.TEXTLENGTH_CM1)

      height = 1.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 11.0

      width = 10.0556

      wrap = false

      alignVertical = 2 // Bottom

      text = "Length CM"


   this.SPINBOXLENGTH_CM1 = new SPINBOX(this)

   with (this.SPINBOXLENGTH_CM1)

      dataLink = form.fish1.rowset.fields["length cm"]

      height = 1.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 12.32

      width = 12.0

      rangeMax = 100

      rangeMin = 1


   this.TEXTDESCRIPTION1 = new TEXT(this)

   with (this.TEXTDESCRIPTION1)

      height = 1.0

      left = 14.7778

      top = 11.0

      width = 10.25

      wrap = false

      alignVertical = 2 // Bottom

      text = "Description"




      height = 4.0

      left = 14.7778

      top = 12.32

      width = 20.0

      dataLink = form.fish1.rowset.fields["description"]


   this.TEXTFISH_IMAGE1 = new TEXT(this)

   with (this.TEXTFISH_IMAGE1)

      height = 1.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 16.72

      width = 10.1574

      wrap = false

      alignVertical = 2 // Bottom

      text = "Fish Image"


   this.IMAGEFISH_IMAGE1 = new IMAGE(this)

   with (this.IMAGEFISH_IMAGE1)

      height = 4.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 18.04

      width = 12.0

      dataSource = form.fish1.rowset.fields["fish image"]

      enabled = true


   this.TITLE1 = new TEXT(this)

   with (this.TITLE1)

      height = 2.0

      left = 1.5556

      top = 0.0

      width = 8.7778

      variableHeight = true

      colorNormal = "Highlight/BtnFace"

      fontSize = 18.0

      fontBold = true

      text = "Fish"


   this.PUSHBUTTON1 = new PUSHBUTTON(this)

   with (this.PUSHBUTTON1)

      onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON1_ONCLICK

      height = 1.08

      left = 12.4444

      top = 0.0

      width = 13.6667

      text = "Number of Rows"


   this.TEXT1 = new TEXT(this)

   with (this.TEXT1)

      height = 1.0

      left = 28.7778

      top = 0.0

      width = 12.0

      text = "Text1"


   this.rowset = this.fish1.rowset

   function PUSHBUTTON1_onClick()

      form.text1.text = form.Fish1.rowset.count()




There are four major sections in a .WFM file:

  1. The first part is the optional Header section. This is any code above the ** END HEADER line. Comments that describe the file are usually put here.

If you DO the .WFM with no parameters, the form is opened with the open( ) method. The form is modeless.

If you DO the .WFM with the parameter True, the form is opened with the readModal( ) method. The form is modal. A modal form cannot be MDI, so the form’s MDI property is set to False first.