The following is a simple example of how to use the autoLockChildRows property.

In a form, if you wish to give the user the option to turn on or off the ability to lock any child / grand child etc... rows during the locking of a parent row, you can use a Pushbutton as a toggle button.



   if this.text == "autoLockChildRows is ON" //all child / grand child etc... rows CAN

                    //be edited while parent row is locked

     form.sampledatamodule1.query1.rowset.autoLockChildRows := false

     this.text := "autoLockChildRows is OFF"

  else //all child / grand child etc... rows can NOT be edited while parent row is locked

     form.sampledatamodule1.query1.rowset.autoLockChildRows := true

     this.text := "autoLockChildRows is ON"

