save( )
Saves the current row buffer.
<oRef>.save( )
The rowset you want to save.
Property of
After a row has been modified, you must call save( ) to write the row buffer to a rowset or table. By design, save( ) has no effect if the rowset’s modified property is false, because supposedly there are no changes to save; and a successful save( ) sets the modified property to false, indicating that values in the controls do not differ from those on the disk. You can manipulate the modified property to control this designed behavior.
The canSave event fires after calling save( ). If there is no canSave event handler, or canSave returns true, then the row buffer is saved, the modified property is set to false, and the onSave event fires.
The row cursor does not move after a save( ) unless the values saved cause the row to become out-of-set. In that instance, the row cursor is moved to the next available row or, if there are no more available rows, the end-of-set .
Changes are written to disk unless the cacheUpdates property is set to true, in which case the changes are cached. Whether the changes are actually written to a physical disk depends on the operating system and its own disk caches, if any.