class Shape
A simple colored geometric shape.
[<oRef> =] new Shape(<container> [,<name expC>])
A variable or property—typically of <container>—in which to store a reference to the newly created Shape object.
The container—typically a Form object—to which you’re binding the Shape object.
<name expC>
An optional name for the Shape object. If not specified, the Shape class will auto-generate a name for the object.
The following tables list the properties of interest of the Shape class. (No particular events or methods are associated with this class.)
Property |
Default |
Description |
Identifies the object as an instance of the Shape class |
Identifies the object as an instance of a custom class. When no custom class exists, defaults to baseClassName |
WindowText |
The pen and fill color of the shape |
0 - Normal |
An enumerated property used to create visual effects using the pen and fill color of the shape, and the color of the underlying object. See drawMode for details. |
Solid |
The pen style used to draw the outline of the shape (0=Solid, 1=Dash, 2=Dot, 3=DashDot, 4=DashDotDot) |
1 |
Width of the outline in pixels |
Circle |
The type of shape to draw (0=Round Rectangle, 1=Rectangle, 2=Ellipse, 3=Circle, 4=Round square, 5=Square)
The following table lists the common properties, events, and methods of the Shape class:
Property |
Event |
Method |
beforeRelease |
Use a Shape object to draw a basic geometric shape on a form.
A Shape has no hWnd because it is drawn on the surface of the form; it is not a genuine Windows control. Despite its position in the form’s z-order, a Shape can never be drawn on top of another component (other than a Line or Shape).