Specifies the fields to display in a Browse object, and the field options to apply to each field.

Property of



The fields is a string with the following the following format:

<field 1> [<field option list 1>] |
<calculated field 1> = <exp1> [<calculated field option list 1>]
  [, <field 2> [<field option list 2>] |
  <calculated field 2> = <exp1> [<calculated field option list 2>], ...]

The fields are displayed in the order they're listed, and the <field option list> affects the way each field is displayed. The options are as follows:



\<column width>

The width of the column within which the field appears

\B = <exp 1>, <exp 2>

RANGE option; forces any value entered in <field 1> to fall within <exp 1> and <exp 2>, inclusive.

\H = <expC>

HEADER option; causes <expC> to appear above the field column in the browse, replacing the field name

\P = <expC>

PICTURE option; formats the field according to the picture template <expC>

\V = <condition>
[\E = <expC>]

VALID option; allows a new field value to be entered only when <condition> evaluates to true

ERROR MESSAGE option; \E = <expC> causes <expC> to appear when <condition> evaluates to false


Calculated fields are read-only and are composed of an assigned field name and an expression that results in the calculated field value, for example:

Commission = Rate * Saleprice

Options for calculated fields affect the way these fields are displayed. These options are as follows:



\<column width>

The width of the column within which the calculated field is displayed

\H = <expC>

Causes <expC> to appear above the calculated field column in the browse, replacing the calculated field name