class Group
Describes a group in a report.
[<oRef> =] new Group(<streamSource>)
A variable or property—typically of <streamSource>—in which you want to store a reference to the newly created Group object.
The StreamSource object to which the Group object binds itself.
The following tables list the properties and methods of the Group class. (No events are associated with this class.)
Property |
Default |
Description |
Identifies the object as an instance of the Group class. |
Identifies the object as an instance of a custom class. When no custom class exists, defaults to baseClassName |
None |
How the group’s bands are displayed in drilldown format. |
Specifies a Band that renders after a group of detail bands. |
A character string containing the field name by which groups are formed. If blank, the group is for the entire report. |
Specifies a Band that renders before a group of detail bands. |
false |
Specifies whether to repeat the headerBand when a Group spans more than one StreamFrame. |
The name of the Group object. |
The Report or StreamSource object that contains the Group. |
Method |
Parameters |
Description |
<codeblock> |
Aggregate method that returns the mean average for a group |
<codeblock> |
Aggregate method that returns the number of items in a group |
<codeblock> |
Aggregate method that returns the highest value within a group |
<codeblock> |
Aggregate method that returns the lowest value in a group |
<codeblock> |
Aggregate method that returns the standard deviation of the values in a group |
<codeblock> |
Aggregate method that returns the total of a group |
<codeblock> |
Aggregate method that returns the variance of the values in a group |
Explicitly releases the Group object from memory |
Use Group objects to group data and calculate aggregate values for the group. Groups may be nested, and are handled in the order that they are created (the same order that they appear in the class definition in a .REP file).
The groupBy property contains the name of the field that defines the group, and may include an optional ascending or descending modifier. Whenever the value of that field changes, a new group starts. Therefore, the data must be sorted on the grouping field(s).
A Group object’s headerBand is rendered before each group and its footerBand is rendered afterward. If the headerEveryFrame property is true, the group’s headerBand is rendered at the beginning of every StreamFrame.
If the Report object’s autoSort property is true, data in a report is automatically sorted to match groups.
The Report object has its own Group object that is referred to by its reportGroup property. Its groupBy property is an empty string, and the group is used for report-wide aggregates.
You may organize the report in drilldown format: the header and footer bands showing summary information are displayed first, followed by the detail rows. This allows you to see summary information at the top, and then "drill down" to the supporting data.