<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'File : dBase_Cust_Ser_Tech_Support.asp 'Author : Surya Kumar 'Task : Cust_Ser_Tech_Support Page for dbase 'Version : 1.0.0.pk 10.12.2004 Base version 'Copyright : Ebase Interactive Inc., NY, USA '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> Welcome to dbase

dBASE Plus 2.61.3 (Build 2059)
Features and Fixes
March 28, 2007

New Features

QAID: 6213 Added the selectAll property to the ComboBox to allow a developer to disable automatic select all behavior and automatic horizontal scrolling of a wide combobox value.
QAID: 6214 Added the autoTrim property to the ComboBox to allow a developer to enable automatic trimming of trailing spaces from option strings as they are loaded from a datasource field object or from a lookupRowset's field object into a combobox listbox. The default for autoTrim is False, which matches previous behavior.

QAID:  259
QAID: 1737
Upgraded the getDirectory() dialog to the newer user interface offerred by Windows XP.
The GetDirectory() dialog has the following new features:
  • getDirectory() dialog is now resizeable
  • a Make New Folder button is available
  • a Directory edit control shows the currently highlighted folder name
  • right clicking the mouse on a folder opens the standard Windows context menu which includes many options for working with folders
The Navigator and other built-in dialogs within dBASE Plus will also use the upgraded dialog.

GetFile() / array.getFile() / PutFile()
QAID: 4132 Upgraded the getFile() and putFile() dialogs to make them resizable.  This includes array.getFile() and all dialogs within dBASE Plus that trigger an Open File or Save File dialog.

Project Explorer
Summary Added support for Windows XP/Vista manifest files.
  • Enabled a combination XP/Vista checkbox.
  • Added radio buttons to choose what level of security to use for the Vista manifest files.
  • Project Explorer will now add the needed manifest files for PlusRun.exe and BDEAdmin.exe to the installer.


? / ?? / ???
QAID: 733 Fixed a problem that prevented the STYLE clause in streaming output commands (?, ??, ???) from working properly.

QAID: 6228 Fixed a bug that caused the Table Context Menu to display when right clicking the mouse on a Grid object.

QAID: 6211 Fixed Memory Access Violations triggered by use of lookupSQL and lookupRowset settings on field objects used by grid columns. These MAV's were due to changes made to fix the columnComboBox dropDownHeight property.

ActiveX Container
QAID: 6212 Fixed a regression that caused the Table Context menu to open when right clicking on the Spread7 ActiveX control. This was a regression from changes made for QAID: 4243.

Project Explorer
QAID: 6230 Changed the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the Project Explorer Database Alias Folder combobox on the Inno/BDE Settings notebook page from the default maxLength = 25 to 260 characters.

Other Fixes Fixed the files list box to correctly display the needed Inno files.

Fixed the dbVersion number property to always be 4 characters in length.

Changed the resizing form to add new fields.

Fixed the "Inno Tasks" translation to be correct for each supported language.

Changed the default project file folder name to the newest Inno Script Generator version (ISG

These changes require the current or later Inno Support files:
  • Inno Script Generator
  • Inno Quick Start Pack 5.1.11