Developing a Database Application:
The dBASE PLUS 9 Tutorial

Paul McGee, dBase LLC
August 1, 2014

Based on the original work of
Ken Mayer, Senior SQA Engineer, dBASE Inc.
Michael Nuwer, dBASE user
Previous Version
November 11, 2002


The Purpose of this Tutorial

dBASE PLUS 9 is a great rapid application development (RAD) environment. However, many folk are not sure where to start in the development of an application or how to use the tools included with this amazing software.

The purpose of this tutorial is to guide a database developer through the process of creating an application in dBASE PLUS 9, from building the database to it's final deployment.

dBASE PLUS 9 is a 100% pure object-oriented programming tool. The tutorial project will focus on using the dBASE PLUS 9 data access objects; it will guide you through the objects used to create forms, reports, and an application menu; and it will show you how to deploy a complete application.

This process will take some time, so this is broken down into individual parts. As a student you can work along when you have time and come back and pick up where you left off. Do not assume that you can just "whip through it" and be done quickly. While the application created during the process of this tutorial is not a "complete" application, it still has many inter related pieces. In the past, users have, for the most part, taken a minimum of one week to complete this project.

NOTE: If you find any typos, errors, or have a difficult time understanding any part of this tutorial, please use the dBASE, Inc. public newsgroups. You can access them via the web at:

Proceed to the next part of the tutorial: Introduction
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Last Modified: August 1, 2014

The Legal Stuff: This document is part of the dBASE PLUS 9 Tutorial from dBase, LLC.

This material is copyright © 2002-2025, by dBase, LLC.

dBASE PLUS 9 is copyrighted, and trademarked by dBase, LLC.

The BDE (Borland Database Engine) and BDE Administrator are copyrighted, trademarked by Embarcadero.

This document may not be posted elsewhere without the explicit permission of dBase, LLC. who retains all rights to the document.