Notes for Users of 16-Bit Versions of Visual dBASE

For an overview of new features and functionality, as well as a review of what's changed in Visual dBASE 7, see the Online Help.

The white paper, "Migrating Applications from Visual dBASE 5.x to Visual dBASE 7" is available in the Knowledgebase. In your browser, open the file "index.htm" in the \KB folder on your Visual dBASE installation CD and click the "Beginning Topics" button.

In addition, please note the following:

Controls=MS Sans Serif,8

The corresponding font name and size properties will be streamed out for the form and its controls when the form is saved.

Although .QBEs are still functional, .DMDs (data modules) are now recommended for defining an updateable set of tables (both linked and unlinked). A .QBE to .DMD converter (QBE2DMD.PRG) is available in the \converters directory. This converter can also be run from the Sample Guide form.