'Internal Operating System' error in Vista

Q: Why do I get 'Internal operating system' error on a Vista machine after moving the mouse in dBASE Plus?

A: In Vista only ...
both dBASE Plus V2.60 (b1899) and b2.60.1 (b1905x) throw the 'Internal operating system' error as soon as you move the mouse.
This was due to some changes made to mouse events (before Vista was released). As it turns out these changes were unacceptable to the Vista common controls.
(NOTE: This was not an issue in dBASE Plus V2.5 and was also subsequently fixed by changes in V2.61. )

Upgrading to dBASE Plus 2.61.x will fix this issue.

Another workaround ....

remove this from the manifest files (this tells the app to use the Vista common controls)...


Although this may help with the error it should also be noted that the new visual styles will now be disabled.
This change in the manifest will tell dBASE to use the version 5 Common Controls in Windows,
These are older common controls that do not support Visual Styles.
So, buttons etc.. may not look as expected.