Event fired in response to use performing a zoom gesture on a touch enabled device.




horizontal position of a point at the center of the zoom gesture


vertical position of a point at the center of the zoom gesture


amount of zoom determined by the size and speed of the user's movement.

Indicates how much the height and width should be changed compared with

the current height and width. Value is converted to units matching the current form's metric



Property of

Form, Subform, all form components that have their own windows handle.



OnGestureZoom() is an event that will fire when a user performs a gesture using two fingers on either a touch screen or touch pad where they first touch both fingers to the device and than move them closer together to zoom in or farther apart to zoom out.

Note that either both fingers must initially touch within the boundaries of the object or the first touch must be within the boundaries of the object.

On a device that does not support touch or on which touch support is disabled, onGestureZoom() will not fire.


Firing Sequence:

As the user performs the gesture, onGestureZoom() will fire multiple times. The first time it fires to indicate that a zoom gesture has begun. The value of nDelta should be ignored the first time onGestureZoom fires.

When onGestureZoom() fires additional times, nDelta can be used to determine how much to change the width and height of an object. When nDelta is a positive number, it indicates that the object size should be increased. When nDelta is a negative number it indicates that the object size should be decreased. When updating an object's width and height it is usually also necessary to prevent setting them too large or too small in order to prevent making the object larger than its container or so small that the object becomes too small to display properly or too small to zoom it back to a larger size.

When a zoom gesture is completed, onGestureZoom() will fire one last time with nDelta set to zero,


** END HEADER -- do not remove this line


// Generated on 08/01/2016


parameter bModal

local f

f = new TestButtonGesturesForm()

if (bModal)

   f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI





class TestButtonGesturesForm of FORM

   with (this)

      onOpen = class::FORM_ONOPEN

      onGestureZoom = class::FORM_ONGESTUREZOOM

      metric = 6    // Pixels

      height = 512.0

      left = 231.0

      top = 8.0

      width = 627.0

      text = ""


   this.PUSHBUTTON1 = new PUSHBUTTON(this)

   with (this.PUSHBUTTON1)

      onOpen = class::PUSHBUTTON1_ONOPEN

      onGestureZoom = class::PUSHBUTTON1_ONGESTUREZOOM

      height = 396.0

      left = 126.0

      top = 22.0

      width = 469.0

      text = "Pushbutton1"


   this.CHECKBOX1 = new CHECKBOX(this)

   with (this.CHECKBOX1)

      height = 44.0

      left = 133.0

      top = 451.0

      width = 161.0

      text = "Checkbox1"


   this.RADIOBUTTON1 = new RADIOBUTTON(this)

   with (this.RADIOBUTTON1)

      height = 55.0

      left = 371.0

      top = 440.0

      width = 168.0

      text = "Radiobutton1"

      group = true

      value = true


   function PUSHBUTTON1_onGestureZoom(centerX, centerY, nDelta)

       local nFinalDelta, nMaxWidthDelta, nMaxHeightDelta, nMaxDelta, nMinWidth, nMinHeight

        if this.firstZoom

           this.firstZoom = false


           if nDelta = 0

               // Zoom is completed

               this.firstZoom = true   // reset this.firstZoom          

                this.borderStyle := this.saveBorderStyle  // reset this.borderstyle


            // change borderstyle to indicate zoom is occurring

            this.borderStyle := 6 // drop shadow

                nFinalDelta = nDelta

            if nDelta > 0

                    nMaxWidthDelta = this.parent.width - (this.left + this.width)

                    nMaxHeightDelta = this.parent.height - (this.top + this.height)

                    nMaxDelta = iif(nMaxWidthDelta > nMaxHeightDelta, nMaxHeightDelta, nMaxWidthDelta)

                    if nFinalDelta > nMaxDelta

                        nFinalDelta = nMaxDelta


                else // nDelta < 0

                    nMinWidth = 64

                    nMinHeight = 32

               nNewWidth  = this.width + nDelta

                    nNewHeight = this.height + nDelta              

               nMaxWidthDelta = nDelta

               if nNewWidth < nMinWidth

                       nMaxWidthDelta = -(this.width - nMinWidth)


                    nMaxHeightDelta = nDelta

                    if nNewHeight < nMinHeight

                       nMaxHeightDelta = -(this.height - nMinHeight)


                    nMaxDelta = min(abs(nMaxWidthDelta), abs(nMaxHeightDelta))

                    if abs(nFinalDelta) > abs(nMaxDelta)

                       nFinalDelta = nMaxDelta



                with (this)

                    width  += nFinalDelta

                    height += nFinalDelta


            // reset borderstyle

                this.borderStyle := this.saveBorderStyle



      return true

   function PUSHBUTTON1_onOpen()

       this.firstZoom = true

        this.saveBorderStyle = this.borderstyle


   function form_onGestureZoom(centerX, centerY, nDelta)

       local nFinalDelta, nMaxWidthDelta, nMaxHeightDelta, nMaxDelta

        if this.firstZoom

           this.firstZoom = false       


           if nDelta = 0

               // zoom is finished

               this.firstZoom = true


               // update form width and height

               nMaxParentWidth = 1366

                nMaxParentHeight = 768

               nFinalDelta = nDelta

                nMaxWidthDelta = nMaxParentWidth - (this.left + this.width)

                nMaxHeightDelta = nMaxParentHeight - (this.top + this.height)

                nMaxDelta = iif(nMaxWidthDelta > nMaxHeightDelta, nMaxHeightDelta, nMaxWidthDelta)

            if nFinalDelta > nMaxDelta

                   nFinalDelta = nMaxDelta


                with (this)

                    width  += nFinalDelta

                    height += nFinalDelta




      return true

   function form_onOpen()

      this.firstZoom = true

