This help book in the Language Reference book covers the following information:
dBASE Plus supports a wide variety of array types:
Arrays of contiguously numbered elements, in one or more dimensions. Elements are numbered from one. There are methods specifically for one- and two-dimensional arrays, which mimic a row of fields and a table of rows.
Associative arrays, in which the elements are addressed by a key string instead of a number.
Sparse arrays, which use non-contiguous numbers to refer to elements.
All arrays are objects, and use square brackets ([ ]) as indexing operators.
Array elements may contain any data type, including object references to other arrays. Therefore, you can create nested arrays (multi-dimensional arrays of arrays with fixed length in each dimension), ragged arrays (nested arrays with variable lengths), arrays of associative arrays, and so on.
There are two array classes: Array and AssocArray. Sparse arrays can be created with any other object. In addition to creating properties by name, you can create numeric properties using the indexing operators. For example:
o = new Object()
o.title = "Summer"
o[ 2000 ] = "Sydney"
o[ 1996 ] = "Atlanta"
? o[ 1996 + 4 ] // Displays "Sydney"