This method uses the Windows clipboard to transfer data to Excel again utilizing dBASE Automation. You'll need a and which are included in this zip file. We'll dispense with a lot of the comments and error trapping from the previous example and simply demonstrate how to use an Excel worksheet as a datasource. The one caveat here is Excel's limit of 65536 rows.
// Specify a file and path for our Excel document #define dsName "C:\My Documents\Temp.xls" // The body of our "letter" cBody = "Acme Widgets is happy to announce a special promotion, available " + ; "only within the state of California. For a limited time only, our " + ; "California clients may purchase the new SuperWidget, with California " + ; "emission controls, for only $42,386,941.22. We hope you will take " + ; "advantage of this special sale right away." + chr(13) + chr(13) + ; "Thank you for taking the time to read this. We, at Acme Widgets, " + ; "look forward to hearing from you in the near future." try // begin by trying to get our data for the merge source d = new database() d.databaseName := 'MUGS' := true q = new query() q.database := d q.sql := 'select customer."First Name",customer."Last Name", ' + ; 'Street1, Street2, City, customer."State ID", Postal from customer ' + ; 'where customer."State Id"="CA"' := true r = q.rowset r.first() cText = '' // place our field names for column headers // note that Word does not like spaces in field names // so we'll replace the spaces with underscores cText +='First_Name' + chr(9) + 'Last_Name' + chr(9) + 'Street1' + ; chr(9) + 'Street2' + chr(9) + 'City' + chr(9) + ; 'State_ID' + chr(9) + 'Postal' + chr(13) do while not r.endOfSet for i = 1 to r.fields.size cText += trim( '' + r.fields[i].value ) + chr(9) endfor // get the next record cText += chr(13) enddo set procedure to additive _app.Clip = new TextClipboard() // create our clipboard object _app.Clip.SetClipboardText( cText ) // place our string if file( dsName ) erase ( dsName ) endif // now we start Excel oExcel = new oleAutoclient("excel.application") // create a new workbook oBook = oExcel.workbooks.add() // since the field and record separators are embedded // all we need to do is select the top left cell. oExcel.ActiveSheet.cells( 1,1 ).select() // now just call Excel's paste method oExcel.ActiveSheet.paste() // save the file oBook.SaveAs( dsName ) // quit Excel oExcel.quit() release object oExcel release oExcel // now start Word oWord = new oleautoclient('word.application') oDoc=oWord.documents.add() oWord.activeDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = 0 oWord.ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource( ; dsName , 0, false, false, true, ; false, '','',false,"", "", "Entire Spreadsheet") oWord.documents(n).activate() oDoc=oWord.activeDocument oWord.selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment := 1 oWord.selection.TypeText("Acme Widgets Corporation") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeText("1234 Main Street") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeText("MyTown, AA 12345") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.InsertDateTime("MMMM d, yyyy",true) oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment := 0 for i = 1 to 3 oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() endfor oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "First_Name") oWord.selection.TypeText(" ") // space between first and last name oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "Last_Name") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "Street1") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "Street2") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "City") oWord.selection.TypeText(", ") oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "State_ID") oWord.selection.TypeText(" ") oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "Postal") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oWord.selection.TypeText("Dear ") oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "First_Name") oWord.selection.TypeText(",") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oWord.selection.TypeText( cBody ) oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeText("Sincerely,") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeText("John Smith") // now, just for grins - make the whole thing // Times New Roman font 12pt with ( oWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal").Font ) Name = "Times New Roman" Size = 12 Bold = False Italic = False endwith With ( oWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 2").Font ) Name = "Times New Roman" Size = 18 Bold = True Italic = True endwith With ( oWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 2").ParagraphFormat ) Alignment = 1 // center endwith oWord.Selection.GoTo( 3, 1 ) = oWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 2") // now execute the mail-merge oDoc.mailMerge.destination := 0 oDoc.mailMerge.execute(false) // we can now close the mail merge document leaving // only the merged results document oDoc.close( 0 ) oWord.visible = true catch (exception e) if type('oWord') == 'O' try oWord.quit(0) catch ( exception e ) endtry endif clear ? e.code ? e.message ? e.lineNo finally if type("oExcel") == "O" try oExcel.quit() catch ( exception e ) endtry endif endtry
If you have more than a trivial size mailing list, you'll find this second method to be the fastest way to do your mail merge. Again, the limit being the maximum of 65536 rows.
[MS Word] [Data Source Word Doc] [Data Source dBASE Table]
Last modified: November 9, 1999