As of the date of this document, there are no ODBC drivers for Level 7 dBASE tables. So how do you use a dBASE table as a data source for Word? Simple, you create a temporary Level 4 table and use that. is a CC included with this zip file to accomplish this task. contains its own documentation in the form of header notes. For this document, we'll just use it and leave the explanations for the cc file.
// Specify a file and path for our temp table #define dsName "C:\My Documents\Temp.dbf" #define dsPathOnly left( dsName, rat( '\', dsName ) - 1) // The body of our "letter" cBody = "Acme Widgets is happy to announce a special promotion, available " + ; "only within the state of California. For a limited time only, our " + ; "California clients may purchase the new SuperWidget, with California " + ; "emission controls, for only $42,386,941.22. We hope you will take " + ; "advantage of this special sale right away." + chr(13) + chr(13) + ; "Thank you for taking the time to read this. We, at Acme Widgets, " + ; "look forward to hearing from you in the near future." try set procedure to additive if file( dsName ) erase ( dsName ) endif // begin by trying to get our data for the merge source d = new database() d.databaseName := 'MUGS' := true q = new query() q.database := d q.sql := 'select customer."First Name",customer."Last Name", ' + ; 'Street1, Street2, City, customer."State ID", Postal from customer ' + ; 'where customer."State Id"="CA"' := true set procedure to additive Copy4( q.rowset, dsName ) := false := false release object q release object d close procedure t = new tableDef() t.tableName = dsName t.load() cText = '' // place our field names for column headers for i = 1 to t.fields.size cText += t.fields[i].fieldName if i < t.fields.size cText += chr(9) endif endfor release object t oWord = new oleautoclient('word.application') oWord.visible = true // create a new document oDoc=oWord.documents.add() // save a reference to this doc so we can come back to it later // make it a form letter oWord.activeDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = 0 // get a reference to the MailMerge object oMerge=oDoc.mailmerge // next, we OPEN the datasource oMerge.OpenDataSource( dsName, ; // name 0, ; // Format - wdOpenFormatAuto false, ; // ConfirmConversions true, ; // ReadOnly true, ; // LinkToSource false, ; // AddToRecentFiles "", ; // PasswordDocument "", ; // PasswordTemplate false, ; // Revert "", ; // WritePasswordDocument "", ; // WritePasswordTemplate "DSN=dBASE Files;DBQ=" + dsPathOnly + ";", ; "select * from temp.dbf" ) // connection - NOTE the use of semi-colons // now activate the mail merge document oWord.documents(n).activate() // get a little shorter reference to save some typing oDoc=oWord.activeDocument // center the date at the top of the page oWord.selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment := 1 oWord.selection.TypeText("Acme Widgets Corporation") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeText("1234 Main Street") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeText("MyTown, AA 12345") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.InsertDateTime("MMMM d, yyyy",true) oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment := 0 for i = 1 to 3 oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() endfor oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "First_Name") oWord.selection.TypeText(" ") // space between first and last name oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "Last_Name") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "Street1") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "Street2") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "City") oWord.selection.TypeText(", ") oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "State_ID") oWord.selection.TypeText(" ") oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "Postal") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oWord.selection.TypeText("Dear ") oDoc.mailMerge.Fields.add(oWord.selection.range, "First_Name") oWord.selection.TypeText(",") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() // new line oWord.selection.TypeText( cBody ) oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeText("Sincerely,") oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeParagraph() oWord.selection.TypeText("John Smith") // now, just for grins - make the whole thing // Times New Roman font 12pt with ( oWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal").Font ) Name = "Times New Roman" Size = 12 Bold = False Italic = False endwith With ( oWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 2").Font ) Name = "Times New Roman" Size = 18 Bold = True Italic = True endwith With ( oWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 2").ParagraphFormat ) Alignment = 1 // center endwith oWord.Selection.GoTo( 3, 1 ) = oWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 2") // now execute the mail-merge oDoc.mailMerge.destination := 0 oDoc.mailMerge.execute(false) // we can now close the mail merge document leaving // only the merged results document oDoc.close( 0 ) oWord.visible = true catch (exception e) clear ? e.code ? e.message ? e.lineNo if type('oWord') == 'O' try oWord.quit(0) catch ( exception e ) endtry endif endtry
[MS Word] [Data Source Word Doc] [Data Source Excel]
Last modified: November 9, 1999